You can use the min
and/or max
props to limit the range.
A simple number input with controls
Quantity is invalid
Rate is valid
# Types
# Min - Max
# Steps
# Exponential increment
# Sizes
# Alignment and position
# Customization
Name | Description | Type | Values | Default |
v-model | Binding value | String, Number | — | — |
type | Type (color) of the control, optional | String | is-white , is-black , is-light ,
is-dark , is-primary , is-info , is-success ,
is-warning , is-danger ,
and any other colors you've set in the $colors list on Sass | is-primary |
size | Vertical size of input, optional | String | is-small , is-medium , is-large | — |
expanded | Makes input full width when inside a grouped or addon field | Boolean | — | false |
loading | Add the loading state to the input | Boolean | — | false |
editable | Editable input | Boolean | — | true |
icon-pack | Icon pack to use | String | mdi, fa, fas, far, fab, fad, fal | mdi |
min | Minimum allowed value | Number, String | — | — |
max | Maximum allowed value | Number, String | — | — |
step | Incremental number step | Number, String | — | 1 |
min-step | Minimum step-size allowed. Input value is validated to be integer multiple of min-step | Number, String | — | Defaults to value of step |
exponential | The factor of incrementation on long press | Boolean, Number | Between 0 excluded and 10 , setting to true is equivalent to passing true | false |
controls | Show controls (+/-) | Boolean | — | true |
controls-rounded | Show rounded controls | Boolean | — | false |
controls-position | Position of controls | String | compact | — |
controls-alignment | Alignment of controls | String | left , right , center | center |
aria-minus-label | Accessibility label for the minus button. | String | — | — |
aria-plus-label | Accessibility label for the plus button. | String | — | — |
long-press | Long press on the plus or minus button will increment/decrement the input value. | Boolean | — | true |
Any native attribute | — | — | — | — |
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